Andrew P. Morley, Jr., MD, FAAFP
Physician Consultant
Before joining Patton Healthcare Consulting, Inc., Dr. Morley was a Joint Commission Physician Surveyor for 9 years, leaving TJC in 2019. Dr. Morley has expertise in surveying hospitals, critical access, DoD, VA, and Primary Care medical facilities. During his tenure at TJC, he participated in the development of and teaching in the new training program for new surveyors as well as serving on the editorial board for the Leading Practice Library. Dr, Morley served as Team leader for many large healthcare systems including Mayo Clinic and HCA.
Prior to joining the Joint Commission, Dr. Morley held a variety of health care management roles in his home state of Georgia. Those include Director of Primary Care Development for the DeKalb Regional Healthcare System; Vice President of Medical Operations for PROMINA Managed Care Organization; Senior Vice President of Clinical Operations for PROMINA Health system; and Chief Medical Officer of Columbus Regional Healthcare System. Dr. Morley’s responsibilities with PROMINA included oversight of the Quality Initiative along with direct responsibility for all system-wide disease management and clinical pharmacy programs.
As CMO of the Columbus Regional Healthcare System in Columbus, GA, Dr. Morley’s responsibilities included Quality, Patient Safety, Medical Staff Services, and Regulatory Services including accrediation. He was responsible for the overall quality of the health system as well as the achievement of best practices related to the Joint Commission “core measures”.
Dr. Morley has presented key-note addresses and seminars to major healthcare organizations such as the American Medical Association, American Academy of Family Physicians, American Association of Dermatology, and the American Urology Association. Many of his articles have been published in industry journals and he is the author of three healthcare related books. He has been seen on Georgia Public Television as a medical commentator for “Georgia PBS” and has served as a preceptor for students and residents from Emory University School of Medicine, Medical College of Georgia and Morehouse School of Medicine.
Dr. Morley currently resides in Gainesville, GA.