Nancy Kendrick, RN, MS
Nurse Consultant
Nancy has as extensive background and career in nursing through progressive education from an Associate’s Degree in Nursing, Bachelor of Nursing Science to a Masters Degree in Health Care Administration. Her work history includes hospitals, community health centers, and occupational health in the manufacturing industry, home care and accreditation organizations.
Her lengthy career focus in the home care industry tackled many facets beginning as a clinician and eventually progressive growth from Branch Manager to Vice President of Clinical Services for a national provider of home health, hospice, infusion and medical equipment. The industry focus on quality and patient safety eventually lead to working with The Joint Commission (TJC), Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP) and Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) in various capacities including Surveyor/Site Visitor.
Recent activities in the industry include the provision of consulting services to home care providers through assistance with agency start-up/expansions, preparation and recovery from regulatory surveys, and fulfilling clinical and executive roles on an interim basis during transitions for hospital-based and free-standing organizations. She resides in Tennessee and holds a Multistate (NLC) Registered Nurse license.