The Joint Commission dissemination and copying policy relative to Perspectives is changing. Although the old policy is still printed on the last page (p. 30) of Perspectives and sounds very legalistic and somewhat threatening regarding duplication. But, the new policy changes that. It will permit accredited organizations to copy and distribute articles or complete copies internally. You can even post copies to an organization-based intranet.
Joint Commission Dissemination Policy
This policy change will assist readers who were hesitant to make copies before. We often suggest that different department heads review and react to specific content in Perspectives. The Joint Commission is now removing any limitations on an accredited organization from doing exactly that. Remember that when you send an article to a specific department head or content expert it should be specific not be as an FYI. Instead, include specific feedback about implementation, current or future compliance, planning meetings, or changes needed.
TJC is also making it easier for staff within the organization to obtain their own full copies of Perspectives. They can use a new website designed for Guest Access. Unlike the past, this no longer requires specific authorization as long as staff uses their organizations email address.
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